Wyatt's Journal Entry From The First Day Of School-2021



   Today is the day to go and make change in the world around me.  It's a really big day.  I'm excited to make the most of whatever comes to me today.  I just want to try and change at least one person's life this year.  It's going to be a real blessing to watch the world around me unfold.  

     My goal this year is to change the atmosphere of Ada High School.  Though that is my goal, I'm not going to focus on that, but instead on the process to get there.  It's going to take me building some relationships this year with everyone. 

     More than that though I can't care what people are going to think about me.  I have to just be Kanakuk Wyatt.  I'm working really hard on not letting little Wyatt rule my life, but instead living with him protected.

     Today is where all of that starts though.  It really starts right here though even more so.  I have to have my life right with the Holy Spirit.  We have to be intune with each other that way I will know what's up.

     I'm anointing myself to do great things today.  To live my life free to be me.  Also, I'm calling myself to a higher standard. Live in the path with God and anoint others to have the same power to be great.

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